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Friday, June 1, 2012

Write about it!

With a partner, discuss the community that you live in.  Where do you live? What do you see around you? What things do you enjoy doing in your community? Write down your responses to share with the class.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What can I learn about different communities?

We are all part of a community.  In a community people live, work, and play together.  This blog was made to help you learn more about different communities here and across the United States!

PBS Kids- Big Apple Info! NYC!
^^ use the link above to explore the history of New York City.  With a partner, discuss three facts you learned about The Big Apple!

Community Video 1

Watch this video about Urban, Suburban, and Rural communities.  Discuss with a partner how these communities are different. 

Watch this video about City Mouse and Country Mouse! Discuss with a partner how the mice are both the same and different!

Challenge: If you read the story "City Mouse and Country Mouse", compare and contrast the video to the story. Also, tell us which you enjoyed more and why?

Brain Pop Videos!

^^ Use the link above to visit Brain Pop and view videos about communities and community helpers!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More about communities!

Communities in Western New York!

                                             Buffalo,  New York is an urban community. 

Amherst, NY is a Suburban Community 

Eden, NY is a rural community 
Which community is most like where you live? What do you like about living in your community? What would you like to change? 

Final Project Ideas

Students can work in pairs to create 3-D models of the community they choose. Students in Ms. Robinson's class used clay, popsicle sticks, boxes, and paint to design and build models of each type of community.
Recycled materials can be used for the model making project.  Milk cartons, cans, toilet paper rolls, and other products are excellent to use for silos, barns, houses or large buildings.

Community Diorama ideas from super teacher worksheets